Transfer Student Admission Application 

Transfer Student Application

If you want to apply as a transfer student to our school, please submit the application form in person during office hours from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.


  1. When submitting the application form, the original and a copy of the relevant supporting documents must be attached for verification (e.g. birth certificate, parental identification documents, recent photos of the applicant, report card, etc.).
  2. A Hong Kong phone or mobile number must be provided for contact.
  3. Interview details:
    a. The interview will be conducted individually in Cantonese and English.
    b. There will be a written test (Chinese, English, Math) (excluding Grade 1 students).
  4. The school will contact parents by phone within two weeks if their child is invited to the interview.
  5. Parents and students who fail to attend the transfer student interview at the specified date and time will be considered to have forfeited the interview.
  6. If you have submitted the application form to our school but have not received an interview notice, your application has been unsuccessful. Parents do not need to call or visit the school for inquiries.
  7. All submitted personal data will be kept confidential and used solely for admission application purposes; it will not be returned. The school will destroy the data of unsuccessful applicants within three months.
  8. Admission decisions are at the discretion of the school.
  9. For admission, students and parents must agree with the school’s educational philosophy, teaching policies, development direction, and cooperate fully with the school.
  10. Applicants with good conduct will be given priority consideration.
  11. The application form can be downloaded here.

2324 Inter-school Admission Application Form Download

*For inquiries, please call 24502270 (School Office).

Islamic Primary School
Address: 2 Oi Tak Lane, Yau Oi Estate, Tuen Mun, N.T.
Tel: 24502270
Fax: 26186424
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