
Some workshops and seminars are organised by the EDB this school year. Please find the attached document and the EDB website link for more details.
Parent Education Programmes for Non-Chinese Speaking Parents (2024/25 School year)
Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER) has been funded by the Home Affairs Department (HAD) since 2009 to provide accessible services, including interpretation services to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. ( The attached 8 languages are included)To access services provided by CHEER, please visit https://www.hkcs.org/en/services/cheer

Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme
Racial Inclusion 種族共融校園 https://www.eoc.org.hk/en/Racial-Equality/Racial-Inclusion-in-Schools

Think Twice before “Sharenting”
Privacy Commissioner’s Office Publishes a Pamphlet on Sharenting Dos and Don’ts
